Waters Edge Towers
Website Registration


  • You must be an owner to register.
  • You can hide most of your info from everyone but administrators below if you wish.  All of your information is kept completely confidential.  It is not shared with anyone.  See our Privacy page for more.
  • For "User ID" just create a user name for yourself, such as johndoe or jdoe or whatever you want. Then give yourself a secure password that you can remember or write down.
Email Confirmation
1. A confirmation email will be sent to you after you register.
2. Click on the "confirm registration" link in the email message to complete your registration.
3. Log in to gain access to the entire website..
If you don't get the confirmation email within five or ten minutes please check your spam folder.  If not there contact the webmaster.

*Fields with an asterisk are required for registration.
Account Information
User ID: *
(letters and numbers only - case-insensitive)
Name:* * *
Password: Show/Hide Password *
Confirm: Show Password *
  Must be at least 8 characters.     [random]
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Other Email:
Emergency Contact
Primary Address
Address: *
Apt/Unit: *
City, ST, Zip: *
Custom Fields
I am an: *
The trash shoot door is: *

Hide my address and phone numbers (your name will still be visible)  
Email Options
I want to receive email notifications from the website or webmaster  

By checking this box and submitting this registration form, I acknowledge that
I have read and agree to the following terms and rules for this website:

Website Terms
(click here to view in new window)

Please click inside the box to prove you're human

This site includes IP2Location LITE data available from https://lite.ip2location.com