Waters Edge Towers in Deerfield Beach

Waters Edge Towers
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33064

How to contact your State Senator and Rep.
Date:  6/28/2023

When you need help with issues and don't know where to turn -- Try your state and city representatives.  They will often bend over backwards to help you out.

Here they are:

Deerfield Beach Dist. 3 Commissioner -- Bernie Parness (954) 480-4263

Florida State Rep. Dist. 98 -- Patricia Williams (954) 202-3201

Florida State Senator Dist. 30 -- Senator Tina Polsky  (561) 443-8170

US Congress: 23, State Senate: 30, State House: 98, City -- Deerfield Beach: 3

For full information and contact info on each of your representatives and other helpful contacts go to the Waters Edge Towers Website Utilities page:


Feel free to contact the webmaster if you have any questions. webmaster@watersedgetowers.org

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