Leaks Between Apartments
Date:  3/11/2023

Our buildings and apartments are getting older.  44 years old this year!  Some units are having issues with weakening or failing materials which are sometimes affecting other apartments.

Some of the issues to watch out for:

  • Old water heaters leaking
  • Shower floors degrading and leaking: If your shower floor(s) are getting wavy (and moldy) instead of flat and they are retaining water you need to get it repaired before it leaks. 
  • Kitchen sink disposals leaking
  • Balconies with outdoor carpet developing cracks and leaking
  • Toilet base seals between the base and the floor leaking
  • Toilets overflowing

Thanks to past HOA/COA Boards and Property Managers, our buildings and grounds have been kept up and maintained fairly well.  (And still more to do.)  But things inside apartment units are sometimes failing and causing damages to other apartments. 

If issues in an apartment cause damage to a neighboring apartment, the originating unit owner is technically responsible to repair the damage in both units.  The arrangements must be worked out between the unit owners.

This is just a heads up to be on the alert and try to catch and repair things before they affect apartments next door or below. 

You can get leak detectors on amazon.com for a few dollars.  They can save you $100s or even $1000s when they catch leaks early. 

Also, see how to protect yourself and neighbors from plumbing leaks and very costly repairs and insurance claims by going to the above menu: Information / Plumbing Leaks.

Contact our Property Manager, Andrew, if you have any questions or need help with anything related to WETC or your unit.  If you have any questions about this or suggestions feel free to reply to this message.

Reminder -- This website and these news items are not an official communication from the WETC Board.  This is a volunteer, owner-run production for now.  Ideas and/or opinions expressed here are strictly those of the webmaster and sometimes other owners.