Car Theft
Date:  3/3/2023

A car was stolen from the north lot on February 15 at 4:30 AM.

One unit owner saw the guy steal it, but didn't realize that the driver was not connected with the car owner.

It was a targeted, popular model. 

The thief was well practiced at this.  He followed the driver to where she parked and watched her go to her apartment.  The next morning one guy went to her apartment with a special FOB signal amplification device and transmitted her FOB signal to another guy at her car with a receiver.  He opened the door, started the car, the other guy jumped in and they drove away.

This type of theft is fairly common.  The police have been unable to locate either the thief or the car.  Usually these the operators in these types of thefts ship the car out of the country fairly quickly.

The last car that was stolen about a year ago was also taken at about 4:30 AM.  It was parked on the south side of Building 1.  That theft was recorded on our surveillance system.  (There are no cameras in the west lots.)

It is suggested that you protect your FOB by keeping it shielded.  I can send more info on this if anyone is interested.  Just email me at if you would like more info.